afford to spend

美 [əˈfɔːrd tu spend]英 [əˈfɔːd tu spend]
  • 花得起
afford to spendafford to spend
  1. He can 't afford to spend money on luxuries since his salary is low .


  2. We can 't afford to spend that kind of money .


  3. I can 't afford to spend any more on food .


  4. We can 't afford to spend time with them on the race .


  5. lifestyle , rather than how much you can afford to spend on products .


  6. I can only afford to spend a few hours on it .


  7. Well , I can 't afford to spend a whole day lobbying on the Hill .


  8. And we can definitely afford to spend it .


  9. I do not thought I can afford to spend so much money for this jewel .


  10. I think we can afford to spend a little more on college buildings and dormitories .


  11. I 'm saving up for a summer vacaion and can 't afford to spend any money these days !


  12. You can afford to spend at least an hour working on big , important tasks rather than on all those little urgent ones .


  13. As with most health benefits , it comes down to lifestyle , rather than how much you can afford to spend on products .


  14. Chinese new year is a busy time for the taxi industry , and the couple cannot afford to spend the weeklong holiday back home .


  15. If we had ten lives , we might be able to afford to spend one of them merely on pleasure or in making money .


  16. The government is already borrowing up to the hilt , so it can 't afford to spend any more .


  17. I have got ten pounds more than I expected to have , and consequently I can afford to spend it without being particular .


  18. But how can developing countries , who are struggling to provide the basics to their people , afford to spend on research with no immediate applications ?


  19. If you are to grapple with the difficult process of thinking in writing , I cannot afford to spend time reminding you of formal rules .


  20. Is it possible that Christians can say that they cannot afford to spend a quarter or half an hour alone with God and His Word ?


  21. There are a host of websites and magazines for entrepreneurs , but no one who works for themselves can afford to spend hours a day surfing .


  22. But many have said that the United States simply cannot afford to spend the money on foreign aid at a time when the nation is $ 14 trillion in debt .


  23. As one of the wealthiest places on Earth , it possesses one of the strongest economies around and can afford to spend freely on improving services for its residents .


  24. Similarly , American writer Andrew Solomon ( whose ultra-HNWI father Howard was a pharmaceutical mogul ) could afford to spend 11 years writing his book Far From the Tree .


  25. However a student is supposed to have laid a foundation for his life career by the time he finishes his study at university , so he can 't afford to spend his time casually .


  26. It is ironic that just as the best brains have something valuable to say , companies cannot afford to spend on the short executive programmes that could help them manage through the crisis .


  27. I give up and wander into the kitchen , where I sit down at the table and sketch out how much I can afford to spend on Italian or American sunglasses .


  28. In the sample room one can afford to spend a little more time on pressing operations , whereas in production , the time allowed for this may be limited according to the quality and cost of the garment .


  29. " I couldn 't afford to spend the first honeymoon overseas two years ago , then I chose Shenzhen ," Zhang recalled . " Paris and Florence were only a dream . "


  30. Yet its very scale means those jockeying to be captain of the ship can afford to spend their entire time backstabbing , stealing credit from rivals and waging turf wars .
